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Kudos to a LOCAL HERO!

Earlier today, State Senator Paul Cicarella, Wallingford Town Council Chair Joe Marrone and Vice Chair Christina Tatta, Board of Education member Caroline Raynis, and I presented an official state citation to Wallingford Postal Carrier Michael Waite for his heroic actions to alert residents of an apartment complex of a late-December fire in the building.

Putting aside concern for his own safety and reacting by instinct, Mr. Waite, a Meriden resident, quickly assessed the danger and went door to door of the Terrace Garden Apartment Complex to make sure everyone knew of the fire and would get out safely. Thanks to his actions, no one was harmed and only property was damaged.

Wallingford's Post Office already did a good job, but this is above and beyond. Well done and thank you!

Fishbein for Connecticut - Jo-Anne L. Rusczek, Treasurer - Approved by Craig Fishbein
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